current mood: okay!
song of the day: simulation swarm by big thief (so glad buck meek left the band and i can finally listen to some of their songs without feeling awful about it lol)
last movie: nosferatu (robert eggers)
So...! It's been a while! First off; happy new year! Second: This will be kind of a life update and I guess just me reminiscing on the future of this website and my internet presence as a whole. I know probably nobody reads these, but I like doing them anyway haha!
I'm kind of prone to bouts of inactivity on here and I'm always remaking my site; I like how it is right now, I'd like it to be better but I don't have much motivation sometimes, and that's okay! I love coding and the neocities community though, and I really would like to make this my home. This past year I've grown more and more contempt for mainstream social media, and even though this slow paced more personal alternative doesn't bring as much dopamine I think that's like... good actually. It makes for a less addicting experience, and God knows I need that. I kind of quit making my IWTV fansite ( but I'm not linking it because it's kind of old and lowkey bad LOL) but I would like to go back and actually finish it but it feels like a very big and overwhelming project, so I'll probably stay back for now to be honest.
My anxiety has also gotten quite a lot worse this year for reasons that I won't share on this public website, though I will say I'm in therapy now and hoping to get better, and I will dedicate a lot of time this year to recovering my mental health. I wrote out this kind of big rant about it but I don't actually want to post it, turns out, so here's some resolutions:
Stop letting anxiety get in the way of your life, stop procrastinating, and put yourself out there!! Socialize!!